
CloudShark 2.4 - Secure Delete, CentOS 7, and Monitoring

January 26, 2015 • 2 min read

We’ve had our noses to the grindstone for quite some time, but we’re happy to announce that CloudShark 2.4 is here! While we continue to make some behind-the-scenes improvements, this release contains some features that were specifically requested by customers.

Secure Delete

For the particularly security conscious, we’ve added the secure delete feature to CloudShark 2.4. This is available in the administrators settings, and allows you the option of permanently deleting captures from the disk (a concept also known as “shredding”). This is useful for those who have very high security requirements or need to regularly delete sensitive packet capture files.

Annotations View

We had some customers ask us for a single page that lists all packets that have annotations, and all comments in the capture file. That page is now available, and can be easily found by adding /annotations after the capture ID in your CloudShark URL.

New Monitor Target URL

For those who are working the CloudShark Appliance into their systems administration infrastructure, we’ve added a new /monitor/ URL to indicate the status of the Appliance. A message of “OK” means everything is… okay!

Supported Software Updates

In addition to the above, CloudShark can now run on version 7 of CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. We’ve also added support for Wireshark 1.12.3, which added support for a bunch of new protocols.

Thank you so much for the feedback we’ve gotten on CloudShark - we love hearing about new ways that people are working web-basd capture analysis into their daily routine.