
CloudShark 2.6.0 - Auto-Delete, OAuth, and New User Tools

August 03, 2015 • 2 min read

After spending some time in deep meditation, the CloudShark team is ready to bring you CloudShark 2.6.0. Why two-dot-six-dot-zero you ask? We’re switching officially to semantic versioning, which means you can know at a glance the level of changes that we’ve made to CloudShark, which will hopefully make our users more confident that upgrades won’t break all that wonderful, personalized integration you’ve done.

That said, we have some exciting great new features to highlight, some of which were made to assist in our rollout of CloudShark Personal Accounts.

Auto-Delete of Captures

This is a feature a lot of our customers have asked for - the ability to have captures “expire” from CloudShark after a certain period of time. If you are concerned about conserving disk space, or have certain security policies about data retention, your administrator can set up an auto-delete policy in CloudShark. This will cause captures that are beyond a certain lifetime to be automatically removed from CloudShark. But don’t worry! If there’s something you don’t want to lose, you can exempt specific captures from the policy.

Support for OAuth

With our release of CloudShark Personal Accounts on, CloudShark 2.6.0 supports user credential creation using Oauth. This means that your users can use logins for systems already in place, like Google, Facebook, Twitter, or your internal OAuth implementation, and never have to remember their username or password.

Expanded User Configuration Options

CloudShark 2.6.0 greatly expands the flexibility of user options for administrators to assign. For starters, conscientious administrators can set quotas on either the number of uploads a given user can make, or limit the total disk space usage of a user. For systems that rely on users having personal API tokens for their work, administrators can auto-assign tokens to users with specific permissions, and allow users to view their own API tokens to take “asking the admin” out of the process. In addition to all this, administrators can create a set of default settings that are applied to new users created on a CloudShark system. This is helpful if you are using OAuth or our external authentication (through LDAP, AD, or Single Sign-On) features.

All that, plus support for Wireshark 1.12.6 means it was a very busy summer!