April 05, 2018 • 2 min read
This release has some amazing new tests and features for TR-069 testing, IPv6, and Wireless WAN.
TR-069 includes a set of diagnostic tools defined and controlled through the TR-069 data model, originally outlined in Broadband Forum Technical Report 143 (TR-143), “Enabling Network Throughput Performance Tests and Statistical Monitoring”. Doing these tests requires triggering a CWMP endpoint to do things like download from an HTTP server, which also requires an HTTP server to be set up as part of your testing.
This makes CDRouter uniquely suited to flexing your device’s TR-143 functionality. 10.6 adds support for HTTP download and upload tests that are part of TR-143 and added to the InternetGatewayDevice:1 and Device:2 data models.
CDRouter always let you define vendor-specific profiles and objects when doing TR-069 testing. With 10.6, you can define these profiles directly in Broadband Forum standardized XML format and CDRouter will use them for testing!
If you’re looking to iterate your testing over many different configurations, CDRouter 10.6 lets you select the configuration file you want to use at runtime, when a package is launched or restarting.
CDRouter supports testing those devices that might use their Wi-Fi interfaces for WAN connections, like travel routers, Wi-Fi range extenders, and mesh systems. CDRouter 10.6 includes support for 5Ghz Wi-Fi on the WAN for those customers who have an NTA1000v5 or later.