3 min read
Couchdrop.io is a secure cloud storage service that lets you use SCP to manipulate your data assets. They’ve integrated with cloud storage giants like Dropbox, Google Drive, and AWS-S3. With their CloudShark integration, you can make use of custom scripts or interaction with remote servers that have packet capture capability to instantly and securely push network traces to CloudShark, analyzing them without ever leaving your browser.
Couchdrop is a cloud-based SCP server that can be used for any kind of data, but it has some particular advantages when troubleshooting remote servers, firewalls, and other systems.
First sign up for a Couchdrop.io account, and a CloudShark account if you don’t already have one. Then, follow the steps the Couchdrop team has described to set up the CloudShark integration. Capture traffic (using tcpdump, dumpcap, tshark, or your firewall’s internal capture tools), and when the file is available, push it to CloudShark through Couchdrop with a command like this:
scp filename.pcap couchdrop-username@couchdrop.io:/cloudshark
You’ll find your packet capture sitting in your CloudShark account ready for analysis!
Here we are taking a packet capture on the ‘ens38’ interface for both port 67 and 68 (DHCP) and transferring the output into the “packetcapture001.pcap” file.
Once we have the packet capture we are uploading here directly to our CloudShark account.
Once there, you’ll see the capture in your repository on CloudShark
Where you can start your analysis right away.
It’s that easy! Check out Coudrop.io and let us know what you think!
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